Toads and Butterflies

Welcome to Toads and Butterflies, the podcast inspired by nature’s most remarkable transformations. Just like toads and butterflies undergo incredible metamorphoses, we too can change our world for the better—one small step at a time. I’m Liv Sibony, co-founder of Impact Amplified. Here, we strip away the complexity of sustainability to focus on simple, impactful actions that you can start today. Together, we’ll discover allies and champions who’ll journey with us because real change is a team effort. Sometimes feeling overwhelmed is completely normal! But the good news is, you don’t need to transform your entire world overnight. Each episode brings you real stories from business leaders who’ve pivoted towards more sustainable practices. Whether big leaps or small hops, their experiences light the path for businesses to flourish in challenging times. Join me for a dose of active optimism. Let’s get inspired, make meaningful changes in our work, and move closer to the future we dream about—one practical step at a time.

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Tuesday Sep 03, 2024

In the seventh episode of our series I speak with Patrick Andrews, the Barefoot Lawyer who uses his expertise to reimagine organisations and their governance. 
Patrick left his traditional corporate lawyer role to focus on his mission. He uses company Law to focus on models of ownership, governance and leadership that promote justice, community and responsibility. 
Patrick shares the story of his AHA moment that led him to 
ask the most heretic, unaskable question at work 
And to then set out to use the law to reimagine the purpose of business
In a world where the status quo of a business is growth at all costs, how does one go about actually shifting our way of working in a way that is good for people and planet, alongside the financial health of the company? 
I don’t often get excited speaking to lawyers, but Patrick is a real exception: 
He combines his technical knowledge, modern science and philosophy to change the structure of a business in a practical way
He shares examples of innovative models and tools that motivate employees and broader stakeholders to all contribute to the long term success of the company in the context of our fast changing world. 
While we need to make a profit and ensure we can continue to thrive as company, he also highlights tools that shift power dynamics, enabling business to serve a greater purpose, beyond the bottom line
I hope this inspires you to start the discussion around the long-term purpose of your business and how to empower everyone in your organisation to collectively move towards it. 
Riverford: Founders Wishes
Paris Earth Law Center
Library of Things: Purpose, Values and Mission Lock
Brought to you by Olivia Sibony at Impact Amplified. 
At Impact Amplified, we run short programmes that focus on what actions you or your team can take in the context of your business. The focus is on understanding the context you operate in, and then honing on a tangible action you can take. By the end of our sessions, you will know what next step you can take, and how to go about putting that into practice, both through individual and through collective action. 
You will see that the little things we do in business can unlock a big impact. Our goal is to inspire you to see the power you hold, to effect change. 
You can see our programmes here and you can contact Olivia directly to find out more. 
With special thanks to Gareth Jones, mix engineer, to Marie Jessel, producer, to Raj Samuel, creative director, and to Shane Ivers for the music.

Wednesday Aug 14, 2024

In the sixth episode of our series I speak with Anjali Ramchandran, director of Storythings and an expert in the art of storytelling in a way that is clear, ethical and impactful. 
We recorded this episode just as the Race Riots in the UK were kicking off in August 2024, and as a person of colour, Anjali shared her perspective and experience of this difficult environment. 
At a time when the growing complexities of the world can be confusing, Anjali’s conversation shed a light on some fascinating topics such as: 
How do you get people’s attention and bring joy in a way that is appropriate, in the context of the world we are operating in. How do you find the balance between sensitivity to the current, sensitive context and elevating people to inspire them for a better vision of the world. 
What does a version of “winning” look like that is better than a numbers game? 
How do you bring genuine empathy and authenticity to the stories you tell 
What can we each do in the face of injustice 
The delicate art of embracing nuance and complexity in storytelling, while simplifying  the message to make it relatable 
I was particularly moved by this conversation which was heartfelt and yet also full of practical tips that give hope for a brighter world. I hope you find some inspiration for how you too could learn to tell a story that can change the narrative of how we operate in this complex world. 
Here is a link to some of the references Anjali mentioned in the episode:
Filterworld by Kyle Chayka
The Traitors TV series
ADP Rethink Quarterly is the quarterly magazine Storythings produces for ADP about payroll from around the world, which ties into their annual conference ReThink for payroll professionals from around the world. It's a human look at pay and money, and why payroll is so important for people in every corner of the world
Get Together: How to build community with your people, by Bailey Richardson, Kevin Huynh and Kai Elder Sotto
Ada's List merged with Tech Ladies a couple of years ago, and women/non-binary people in tech are very welcome to join Tech Ladies!
Stoyrthings' values are in our Code of Ethics document here
LinkedIn profile of Jinal Shah, CMO and GM, US of
Phoenixed podcast by Storythings for the Global Payroll Association
The book about stakeholder interviews was Just Enough Research by Erica Hall 
Storythings Ethical Decision Making Framework helps us decide how and if we engage with clients
Brought to you by Olivia Sibony at Impact Amplified. 
At Impact Amplified, we run short programmes that focus on what actions you or your team can take in the context of your business. The focus is on understanding the context you operate in, and then honing on a tangible action you can take. By the end of our sessions, you will know what next step you can take, and how to go about putting that into practice, both through individual and through collective action. 
You will see that the little things we do in business can unlock a big impact. Our goal is to inspire you to see the power you hold, to effect change. 
You can see our signature programme here and you can contact Olivia directly to find out more. 
With special thanks to Gareth Jones, mix engineer, to Marie Jessel, producer, to Raj Samuel, creative director, and to Shane Ivers for the music. 

Tuesday Jul 30, 2024

In the fifth episode of our series I speak with Carolina Riofrio, a Human Resources manager who has worked in a range of industries, from automotive to banking to education, and now focusing on the software industry. 
Her passion for good leadership comes across in everything she does - from the way she empowers leaders to help their teams thrive and bring their best and full selves to work, to being a driving force in supporting her organisation on the journey to becoming a B Corp. 
For those of you new to the term, a B Corp is an accreditation which demonstrates the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, public transparency and legal accountability to balance profit and purpose. 
Carolina recently became Carbon Literacy accredited through our Impact Amplified programme, as she felt compelled to take more action to tackle Climate Change through the lens of her work. A gradual realisation that while we hear about Climate Change through our children’s education, government and big industry, action is still too slow, so the best way to accelerate the change is if we all chip in. 
Carolina shares her perspective on how she, as a Human Resources manager, can effect significant change without having to retrain or invest significant amounts of money. I hope you find some inspiration for how you too could take action to tackle Climate Change in the context of your work, no matter where you are on that journey. 
Brought to you by Olivia Sibony at Impact Amplified. 
At Impact Amplified, we run short programmes that focus on what actions you or your team can take in the context of your business. The focus is on understanding the context you operate in, and then honing on a tangible action you can take. By the end of our sessions, you will know what next step you can take, and how to go about putting that into practice, both through individual and through collective action. 
You will see that the little things we do in business can unlock a big impact. Our goal is to inspire you to see the power you hold, to effect change. 
You can see our signature programme here and you can contact Olivia directly to find out more. 
With special thanks to Gareth Jones, mix engineer, to Marie Jessel, producer, to Raj Samuel, creative director, and to Shane Ivers for the music.

Tuesday Jul 16, 2024

In the fourth episode of this series, I speak with Tonye Khama. A lawyer by background, he felt compelled to embrace his dual British and Nigerian identity, alongside his analytical skills, to found Agricultural technology company EnrichGeo. 
Tonye is on a mission to drive food security for all. 
This means:
On the one hand farmers can grow food in a more sustainable way, at a fair price, with the least waste possible
On the other hand, no one suffers from food poverty, no matter where they are in the world. 
His technology is based on principles of circular economy, connecting dots in unusual places, in order to address the big question of how we feed a growing population, when the current food system is no longer fit for purpose. 
Today’s episode highlights why it is so important to really lean in to listen deeply, both inside ourselves and to the world around us, and how having integrity is key to achieving results. 
I wanted to take a bit of time to explain a few concepts we explored in this episode: 
Circular Economy is a model of production and consumption which involves sharing, reusing or repurposing materials and products as long as possible. So rather than extract raw materials from the ground each time, and then sending them to landfill at the end of their lives, one can design systems that enable these products to have another life in the system. This reduces the extraction of raw materials and reduces the waste sent to landfill. 
An example of a circular economy is where coffee grinds can be mixed with other materials to create furniture. 
Geo Mapping is a process of analysing, interpreting and visualising data linked to a particular place. It can combine information from a whole range of different sources, including drones, weather patterns and soil analysis. 
It is particularly helpful in the farming industry, as it can help farmers identify the most suitable locations and times for planting different crops, as well as how to maintain them, based on factors such as soil type, elevation, water availability and weather patterns. So farmers can optimise crop yields and reduce the risk of crop failure. 
The Just Transition seeks to ensure that the substantial benefits of a transition to a greener economy are shared widely, actively supporting those who stand to lose out from the changes. This can be at an international level, looking at workers affected in the Global South, as well as closer to home. An example of why we need the Just Transition, is when UK coal mines were shut down in the 80s, leaving thousands of people long-term unemployed with no opportunity to reskill and find new jobs. When we design new systems, we need to think carefully who will be impacted and how we can enable them to benefit from a fairer, just transition. 
Blockchain is a distributed database, with a decentralised record of transactions. It is fully traceable and has the potential to create a fairer distribution of wealth. Its most famous application is in crypto currencies such as Bitcoin, but it has fare more wide-reaching domains such as tracing the food supply chain and enabling peer to peer agricultural transactions at scale, in a quicker and fully transparent way.  
Brought to you by Olivia Sibony at Impact Amplified. 
At Impact Amplified, we run short programmes that focus on what actions you or your team can take in the context of your business. The focus is on understanding the context you operate in, and then honing on a tangible action you can take. By the end of the 1-day, UN-accredited course, you will have boiled it down to 2 things you can do in the context of your role at work: an individual action and a collective action. 
You will see that the little things we do in business can unlock a big impact. Our goal is to inspire you to see the power you hold, to effect change. 
You can see our signature programme here and you can contact Olivia directly to find out more. 
With special thanks to Gareth Jones, mix engineer, to Marie Jessel, producer, to Raj Samuel, creative director, and to Shane Ivers for the music.

Tuesday Jul 02, 2024

In the third episode of our series I speak with Phil Korbel, co-founder of and Director of Advocacy at the Carbon LIteracy Project. 
Phil’s first career as a broadcaster at the BBC gave him a licence to deep dive into a vast range of topics. This insatiable curiosity led him to switch from Producer to Subject, embarking on a tandem ride across the world. 
The common thread of exploring what well-being can look like within a healthy planet, with its different applications around the world, eventually led Phil to co-found the Carbon Literacy Project which now employs 70 people, working across all seven continents. 
As I interview Phil, the Carbon Literacy Project is about to reach 100,000 learners and I’m proud to be one of their official trainers on this UN-endorsed programme, which you’ll hear more about. 
Today’s episode is full of inspiration to show you how each of our individual actions can lead to systemic change, and how we must take time to understand the problems with today’s world to truly appreciate the urgency of the need for change. So that we can then direct our focus on the most impactful, relevant solutions for a brighter future. 
My discovery of the Carbon Literacy Project is what led me to do what I’m doing now, and if this conversation can trigger similar inspiration for you in the context of your work, we’ll all be one step closer to the vision of a thriving humanity within a healthy planet.  
Brought to you by Olivia Sibony at Impact Amplified. 
At Impact Amplified, we run short programmes that focus on what actions you or your team can take in the context of your business. The focus is on understanding the context you operate in, and then honing on a tangible action you can take. By the end of the 1-day, UN-accredited course, you will have boiled it down to 2 things you can do in the context of your role at work: an individual action and a collective action. 
You will see that the little things we do in business can unlock a big impact. Our goal is to inspire you to see the power you hold, to effect change. 
You can see our signature programme here and you can contact Olivia directly to find out more. 
With special thanks to Gareth Jones, mix engineer, to Marie Jessel, producer, to Raj Samuel, creative director, and to Shane Ivers for the music.

Tuesday Jun 18, 2024

In the second of our series I speak with Suki Fuller, founder of  Miribure ("Mitigating Risk Building Resilience"), a strategic and competitive Intelligence consultancy. 
As the winner of the 2023 Most Influential Women in Tech Award by  Computer Weekly and who was named by the Financial Times, as one of the Top 100 Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic Leaders in UK Tech: Suki's passion to elevate humanity, being in service to others, with technology as the conduit, shines through as she talks us through her three As and the importance of de-siloing our perspective both at a micro and a macro level. 
In today's episode we explore questions such as: 
What do we really want as humans? 
And how can we use this to develop a more conscious relationship with tech, so that we can feel empowered to flourish in a beautiful world?
Brought to you by Olivia Sibony at Impact Amplified
At Impact Amplified, we run short programmes that focus on what actions you or your team can take in the context of their business. The focus is on understanding the context you operate in, and then honing on a tangible action you can take. By the end of the 1-day, UN-accredited course, you will have boiled it down to 2 things you can do in the context of your role at work: an individual action and a collective action. 
You will see that the little things we do in business can unlock a big impact. Our goal is to inspire you to see the power you hold, to effect change. 
You can see our signature programme here and you can contact Olivia directly to find out more. 
With special thanks to Gareth Jones, mix engineer, to Marie Jessel, producer, to Raj Samuel, creative director, and to Shane Ivers for the music. 

Tuesday Jun 04, 2024

In the first of our series I speak with Duncan Reid, co-founder of  Reset Connect, an integrated events platform driving net-zero solutions & financing. 
We explore the value of in-person gatherings for innovation, the critical importance of collaboration within and outside of our industries, and how happens if we join forces with peers. 
Collaboration trumps competition, we must break down silos, and Duncan gives you a platform to do this. 
The links mentioned in the show are:
Brought to you by Olivia Sibony at Impact Amplified
At Impact Amplified, we run short programmes that focus on what actions you or your team can take in the context of their business. The focus is on understanding the context you operate in, and then honing on a tangible action you can take. By the end of the 1-day, UN-accredited course, you will have boiled it down to 2 things you can do in the context of your role at work: an individual action and a collective action. 
You will see that the little things we do in business can unlock a big impact. Our goal is to inspire you to see the power you hold, to effect change. 
You can see our signature programme here and you can contact Olivia directly to find out more. 
With special thanks to Gareth Jones, mix engineer, to Marie Jessel, producer, to Raj Samuel, creative director, and to Shane Ivers for the music. 


Olivia (Liv) Sibony

co-founder of Impact Amplified

Olivia (Liv) Sibony is an award-winning entrepreneur and trailblazing ethical investment champion. She is co-founder of Impact Amplified, where she works with industry experts, entrepreneurs and academics: empowering individuals within business to affect change through the lens of their work, cutting through the noise of sustainability, so that each person can be a catalyst for change without the need to switch careers. 

Liv left a career at Goldman Sachs to launch her food tech startup, GrubClub, which she sold to Eatwith in 2017. Since then, she has been: 

  • An advisor for the UK Department for Business and Trade (DBT), enabling impactful entrepreneurs from around the world to scale their businesses, relocating to the UK.
  • A Board member of UCL's Fast Forward 2030, which aims to inspire the next generation of entrepreneurs to launch businesses that address the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Vice-chair of the Mayor of London's Women in Cleantech Taskforce. 
  • Founder of SeedTribe, a platform connecting impactful entrepreneurs with angel investors. This was acquired in 2022 by Angel investment Network, the world's largest online angel investment platform, which now has a dedicated space to promote and support impactful entrepreneurs, as well as under-represented founders. 

Liv is driven by the desire to see a world where all businesses marry profit and purpose; she sees the interplay of leadership, sustainability and meaningful collaboration as a key piece in achieving this goal. 

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